
Case Studies

How Luwjistik Powered Pos Malaysia’s End-To-End Supply Chain For Cross-Border E-Commerce

Pos Malaysia Case Study

Pos Malaysia, a postal delivery service company, aimed to tap into the burgeoning cross-border e-commerce market. 

It encountered challenges in establishing new logistics lanes to serve the demands of the e-commerce sector. It also faced difficulties with hidden surcharge fees associated with their current network partners.

That’s when they turned to Luwjistik‘s network to develop an integrated supply chain tailored for e-commerce logistics. 

Download this case study to learn how Pos Malaysia leveraged Luwjistik’s network to swiftly set up new e-commerce shipping lanes, allowing them to tap into emerging markets – and eradicate the problem of hidden surcharge fees.

About Pos Malaysia

With a track record of over 200 years, the Pos Malaysia Group has progressed from a traditional postal service into a dynamic mail and parcel services, financial services and supply chain solutions provider with the largest delivery and touchpoint network in Malaysia.

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